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The Mission of the Bellevue High Girls Basketball Booster Club is to promote and foster the game of girls basketball and good sportsmanship among the students, parents and community of Bellevue High School. In addition, the club serves to raise funds to support the continuous development and excellence of BHS’s girls basketball program.

The Booster Club supports the players and coaches by offering financial and logistical resources so that they can focus on the game. We coordinate communication within the community of players, coaches, and parents, and enhance the team experience by sponsoring events and activities that bring the community together (ex. tailgate dinners, Senior Night). The club also provides supplemental funding for equipment, spirit wear and off-the-court activities that add to the team experience.
All parents and supporters of BHS girls basketball are welcome to join the Girls Basketball Booster Club. A yearly donation is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please contact us at

Board Members:
Chris Frisbie, President

Nick Rensch, Vice President

Alex Tucker, Treasurer
Courney Tucker, Youth Program Coordinator
Tivona Keilman, Secretary

Jody LaBow

Tim LaBow

Jenna Rensch

Abtin Amini

Todd Simanton

Booster Club: About
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